
New product

Lighting resistor - ignitor, straight version.

Diameter: 9,9 mm.

Total length: 155 mm.

Power:  300 Watt.

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Lighting resistor - ignitor, straight version.

Diameter: 9,9 mm.

Total length: 155 mm.

Power:  300 Watt.

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Resistor for pellet stove lighting - ignitor HT71788 designed to light pellets and wood chips for stoves, boilers and burners.

Tested for more than 10,000 ON/OFF cycles, with rapid ignition times.

Straight version; diameter 9,9mm; total length 155mm; 300Watt.

Compatible with HT62685 ( RICA 579H/1 230V 300W 6110278 ) - UTXS022581 - UTXS032659 - HT58408

For stoves

- EDILKAMIN ref. 264050 R264050 mod. Adria - Aida - Alba 2005 - Alpen - Ande - Ania - Aris - Aris Plus - Basic - Basic Plus - Bering - Bering Plus - Bijoux - Bora - Brezza - Brio - Cameo - Charme - Cherie - Chip - Classica - Classica Plus - Daisy - Dallas - Danubio - Dida - Dida Plus - Ecoidro - Elise - Esprit - Feeling - Feeling 2009 - Flexa - Fuji - Funny - Idrochip - Idrofast - Idroflexa C - Idroflexa estero - Idrofox - Idropellbox - Idropoint - Idropolis - Idrosally - Idrotech - Inpellet 49 - Inpellet 54 - Iris 2004 - Iris 2005 - Iris plus - Iris con programmatore orario - Iris up - Junior - Karma - Karma 2009 - Kelly - Kikka - Kikka plus - Lilia - Lilia plus - Little - Logo - Lou - Magic - Marea 2008 - Mariù - Medea - Micron - Mimì - Norma - Moon - Mya - Nancy - Naomy - Nea - Nelly - Nilo - Pellbox SCF - Pellet più 54 - Pellet blok - Pellgreen 12 - Pellgreen 15 - Pellgreen 18 - Pellinsert 54 - Pellstar - Point - Point plus - Polaris - Polaris plus - Polis - Polis plus - Prestige - Prima - Rio - Rose - Serena - Seven - Simpli - Soleil - Soleil plus - Space - Story - Strass - Tania - Tania plus - Ten - Ten plus - Tiny - Tiny ceramica intera - Trend - Trend 2005 - Trend plus - Tresor - Ural - Vintage - Zara - Zara plus

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- NORDICA EXTRAFLAME Ref. 002271035 - 2271035 Mod. Comfort idro - Ecologica Idro Steel - Elisir Idro